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Witchcraft isn’t just for Halloween anymore.It’s a lifestyle. 

The recent rise of WitchTok (a portmanteau of witch and TikTok) is the only latest manifestation of the internet coven’s magical ascendence, ranging from your everyday basic witch to the “influencer witches” who dominate every social platform. The Witchtok hashtag currently garners a staggering 5.4 billion views, while #WitchesofInstagram boasts 5.6 million posts.

You’ve always been curious about magic, the unseen, astrology, tarot, but you are having a hard time knowing where to begin, how to integrate what you’ve already learned in daily life and secretly have a lot of trouble understanding more complicated components of witchcraft. Come and join us now!!

Our community

Community is the body of practitioners, of fellow Witches and magicians, who work similar patterns and mysteries in their own life. While we are not primarily a social group or for social support, nor is it a forum for group therapy, the fellowship of other Witches can be a sustaining part of the path. The community itself is like a cauldron teacher. We learn much about ourselves from our own interactions and reactions with people we met, and many find friendship and kinship among themas time goes on. The community holds space in many ways, for that exploration and our gaze into it can be like the still mirror surface of a lake, or the stirring of the pot of emotions and reactions. Eventually we join the body of magickal initiates, the magickal society, and find a common ground among us. The instructor can guide the group process of the community as part of our discussion and interaction through additional wisdom lecture information. The group dynamic helps us draw from and add to the overall egregore of the community. The focus is upon what we learn in a group consciousness setting. Community aligns with compassion, Love and Trust.

With these three points in place, like the tripod of the cauldron, one has a stronger chance of deeper success upon the path of the Witch.

Please note our classes are now in progress and not open for registration.


Support: Beyond the accountability of actually setting a task and completing it to the best of your ability, support includes offering encouragement, feedback, and even critique. As with any skill, we don’t improve without counsel from those who have learned the art before us. With encouragement, we know we are not alone on the path. We walk the path others have walked, and then can venture out with support into uncharted territories to explore. Support is found through our Mentors, those who have completed the class before you, offering an encouraging perspective and the benefit of their own experience as you continue on the path. Teaching assistants. Students can ask more specific questions requiring us to reach deeper, or offer stronger feedback and often critical information, encouraging us to do things over and look at things in new ways. The instructor will add the capstone of support with regular check-in, and availability as questions and concerns arising from student, mentor or our teaching assistant The focus is on the support from one who is living the teachings of the Craft. Support aligns with Wisdom and Knowledge.